Fellowship, Catch this chance if you can


Senior Member

Research Group: Dr. Asifa Akhtar

The Max-Planck-Institute of Immunobiology in Freiburg, Germany offers one
Imaging Facility Manager Position

We are seeking an experienced scientist with strong communication skills to run the Imaging Facility of the Institute. The facility is currently equipped with confocal microscopes (Zeiss, Leica), Zeiss Spinning Disc System and Axio Imager/Apotome.

The primary role of the manager will be to provide support for research projects at the Institute that involve established techniques, the usage of confocal and bright field microscopes for both fixed and living biological samples. Other responsibilities will include developing new techniques, especially in the field of live imaging, assisting and training of researchers in sample preparation and instrument use as well as assistance in basic image analysis.

Candidates should have a PhD or equivalent experience in using conventional microscopy techniques as well as a variety of fluorescent and confocal techniques for imaging fixed and living cells. Prior experience of working in or running a microscopy facility is a plus. Furthermore, candidates should be skilled in the use of standard image analysis programs, such as Metamorph or Imaris, and have experience in managing small groups. Candidates with biophysical background are desirable.

The MPI of Immunobiology is an international research institute with English as the working language. The position is available immediately and will be initially for two years with the possibility of extension. Salaries will be based on previous experience according to TVöD guidelines. A childcare facility is directly attached to the Institute. Women are especially encouraged to apply; handicapped applicants with equal qualifications will be given preferential treatment.

Applications indicating the reference number 020210 comprising C.V., publication list, a one page outline of their experience as it would apply to the offered position as well as the names of three referees should be sent directly via e-mail to Ms. Weigold (weigold@immunbio.mpg.de) or to the Personnel Department, Max-Planck-Institute of Immunobiology, Stübeweg 51, 79108 Freiburg.

More information about our institute can be found on www.immunbio.mpg.de.

Applications will be accepted until April 16, 2010.

Aushang: 17.02.2010 Abhang: 17.04.2010


Research Group: Dr. Andrew Pospisilik

Am Max-Planck-Institut für Immunbiologie in Freiburg ist die Stelle einer/eines
Technische/r Assistent/in (BTA, CTA, MTA)

in der Abteilung Epigenetik (Labor Andrew Pospisilik) zunächst befristet für zwei Jahre zu besetzen. Das Labor interessiert sich für die Rolle von epigenetischen Mechanismen in humanen Krankheiten.

Wir suchen eine/n eigenständige/n, motivierte/n Mitarbeiter/in mit einer abgeschlossenen Ausbildung zur/zum technischen Assistent/in, Laborant/in oder einer vergleichbaren Ausbildung. Auch Bewerbungen von Kandidaten mit einem Master, Diplom oder PhD sind erwünscht. Erfahrung in Labormanagement und in verschiedenen molekularbiologischen und / oder biochemischen Techniken, sowie sehr gute Englischkenntnisse in Wort und Schrift sind erforderlich. Bioinformatische Kenntnisse und / oder Erfahrung im Umgang mit Mäusen ist von Vorteil.

Die Bezahlung erfolgt entsprechend Ihrer Qualifikation nach TVöD. Die Sozialleistungen entsprechen denen des öffentlichen Dienstes. Die Max-Planck-Gesellschaft ist bemüht, mehr schwerbehinderte Menschen zu beschäftigen. Bewerbungen Schwerbehinderter sind ausdrücklich erwünscht. Dem Institut ist eine Kindertagesstätte angegliedert.

Bitte richten Sie Ihre schriftliche Bewerbung zusammen mit den üblichen Unterlagen und unter Angabe der Kennziffer 020310 bis zum 11. April 2010 per Email an Frau Weigold unter weigold@immunbio.mpg.de oder an das Max-Planck-Institut für Immunbiologie, Personalabteilung, Stübeweg 51, 79108 Freiburg.

Aushang: 12.03.2010 Abhang: 12.04.2010


Research Group: Dr. Andrew Pospisilik

The Max-Planck-Institute of Immunobiology in Freiburg, Germany, invites applications for a
Postdoctoral Position in Epigenetics and Disease

in the Department of Epigenetics (Lab Andrew Pospisilik) which are available for an initial two-year appointment with the possibility of extension.

The Pospisilik group is one of the founding groups for the Max Planck Society's Epigenetic Focus. The position is a unique opportunity to help build a dynamic epigenetic research core in the heart of Europe. Situated at the borders of Germany, France, and Switzerland, Freiburg offers a seemingly limitless, unique and collaborative setting for both culture and research at the highest level. Strong and regular scientific interactions exist between the MPI-Freiburg, the FMI and ETH in Basel, as well as the IGBMC in Strasbourg.

The Pospisilik lab aims to unravel the role of epigenetic mechanisms in the establishment of disease and disease susceptibility. Our primary focus is metabolic disease including diabetes and obesity, and extends to cancer and beyond. Included, are the elucidation of the interplay of histone modifications and chromatin remodelers in the function and development of metabolic tissues (brown and white adipose, liver and muscle) as well as their roles in establishing and maintaining disease tone ie. disease memory. The projects will synergize systems biology and profiling approaches (eg. ChIP-seq, 4C, 5C) with in vivo functional definition by targeted mutation in cells and mice.

The successful candidate will be an independent and motivated team-player with strong communication skills and a strong background in molecular biology and chromatin regulation. Experience with next-generation sequencing, bioinformatics, ES/iPS cells and/or gene-targeting are considered fortes. The successful candidate will be encouraged to apply for external funding.

Salaries are internationally competitive, in accordance with postdoctoral fellowships of the Max-Planck-Society and commensurate with experience. A childcare facility is directly attached to the MPI of Immunobiology. Handicapped applicants with equal qualifications will be given preferential treatment. The Max Planck Society seeks to increase the number of women in areas, where they are underrepresented, and therefore explicitly encourages women to apply.

Candidates should send their Applications (cover letter, CV and contact details of 3 references) indicating the reference number 030310 via e-mail to weigold@immunbio.mpg.de or to the Max-Planck-Institute of Immunobiology, Personnel Department, Stübeweg 51, 79108 Freiburg.

Applications will be accepted until 30 April 2010.

Aushang: 12.03.2010 Abhang: 01.05.2010


Research Group: Herrn Christoph Gartmann

Am Max-Planck-Institut für Immunbiologie in Freiburg ist ab sofort eine Stelle als

Fachinformatiker/in Fachrichtung Systemintegration

zur Erweiterung der wissenschaftlichen EDV-Abteilung zunächst befristet für zwei Jahre zu besetzen.

Wir erwarten eine abgeschlossene Berufsausbildung als Fachinformatiker/in oder vergleichbare Qualifikation, Kenntnisse in mehr als einem Betriebssystem, einen versierten Umgang mit Netzwerken und Erfahrung im Umgang mit Endanwendern. Außerdem setzen wir gute Englischkenntnisse, analytisches Denken sowie die Fähigkeit, sich in ständig wechselnde Aufgabenfelder einzuarbeiten und sich neues anzueignen voraus.

Wir bieten Ihnen ein interessantes Umfeld, das immer auf dem neuesten Stand gehalten werden muss, und ein abwechslungsreiches Aufgabengebiet in einem international orientierten und weltweit bekannten wissenschaftlichen Forschungsinstitut.

Die Bezahlung und Sozialleistungen entsprechen den Regelungen des öffentlichen Dienstes (TVöD). Die Max-Planck-Gesellschaft ist bemüht, mehr schwerbehinderte Menschen zu beschäftigen. Bewerbungen Schwerbehinderter sind ausdrücklich erwünscht. Die Max-Planck-Gesellschaft will den Anteil von Frauen in den Bereichen erhöhen, in denen sie unterrepräsentiert sind. Frauen werden deshalb ausdrücklich aufgefordert sich zu bewerben. Dem Institut ist eine Kindertagesstätte angegliedert.
Ihre schriftlichen Bewerbungen richten Sie bitte mit den üblichen Unterlagen bis zum 23.04.2010 unter Angabe der Kennziffer 040310 direkt per Email an Frau Weigold unter weigold@immunbio.mpg.de oder an das Max-Planck-Institut für Immunbiologie, Personalabteilung, Stübeweg 51; 79108 Freiburg.

Aushang: 12.03.2010 Abhang: 24.04.2010


Research Group: Dr. Andrea Pichler

The Max-Planck-Institute of Immunobiology in Freiburg, Germany, invites applications for a

Postdoctoral Fellowship in E2 dependent SUMO control

in the Pichler Group available for an initial two-year appointment with the possibility of extension. The Pichler Group is a member of the Max Planck Society's Epigenetic Focus in Freiburg in the southwestern region of Germany, near the borders of France and Switzerland.

The candidate should be interested in the general mechanism of SUMO regulation by its conjugating enzyme. Using a combination of biochemistry, molecular biology and cell biology, we aim to further elucidate the role of the SUMO E2 enzyme on substrate specificity and the cellular consequences of its regulation.

We are looking for a highly motivated scientist with a PhD in Life Sciences, Biochemistry, or in a related field and working experience in the fields of cell biology, molecular biology and/or biochemistry.

Salaries will be based on previous experience according to the postdoctoral fellowship guidelines of the Max Planck Society. A childcare facility is directly attached to the MPI of Immunobiology. Handicapped applicants with equal qualifications will be given preferential treatment. The Max Planck Society seeks to increase the number of women in areas, where they are underrepresented, and therefore explicitly encourages women to apply.

Interested candidates should send their applications (cover letter describing their professional interests as well as career goals, a CV, and the names and contact information of at least three references) indicating the reference number 050310 via e-mail to weigold@immunbio.mpg.de or to the Max-Planck-Institute of Immunobiology, Personnel Department, Stübeweg 51, 79108 Freiburg.

Applications will be accepted until 30 April 2010.

Aushang: 17.03.2010 Abhang: 01.05.2010


Research Group: Dr. Thomas Manke

The Max-Planck-Institute of Immunobiology in Freiburg, Germany, invites applications for a

Postdoctoral Position

in Bioinformatics which is available for an initial two-year appointment.

The group seeks to model the molecular mechanisms with which cells respond specifically to different environmental signals. Particular emphasis is put on the regulation of gene expression by transcription factors and chromatin modifications. To this end we invoke a range of interdisciplinary approaches from data mining, data modeling and network analysis. The group profits from direct access to genome-wide data from in-house facilities, such as a deep-sequencing center. This position also provides a unique opportunity for scientific interactions and collaborations with several experimental groups at the MPI-Freiburg and other institutes in the region.

Applicants must have a PhD in bioinformatics or equivalent experience in a numerical science. Prior expertise with the analysis of deep-sequencing data is a plus, as is a background in statistics.

Salaries will be based on previous experience according to TVöD guidelines. A childcare facility is directly attached to the MPI of Immunobiology. Handicapped applicants with equal qualifications will be given preferential treatment. The Max Planck Society seeks to increase the number of women in areas, where they are underrepresented, and therefore explicitly encourages women to apply.

Candidates should send their applications (cover letter, CV, a summary of research interest, and the contact details of 2 referees) indicating the reference number 060310 via e-mail to weigold@immunbio.mpg.de or to the Max-Planck-Institute of Immunobiology, Personnel Department, Stübeweg 51, 79108 Freiburg.

Applications will be accepted until 16 May 2010.

Aushang: 26.03.2010 Abhang: 17.05.2010


Research Group: Dr. Thomas Manke / Christoph Gartmann

Am Max-Planck-Institut für Immunbiologie Freiburg ist zur Unterstützung der Bioinformatik Gruppe (50%) und der EDV (50%) eine Stelle als
Data Manager / Programmierer/in

zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt zu besetzen. Die Stelle ist zunächst auf zwei Jahre befristet. Teilzeitbeschäftigung ist möglich.

Wir erwarten von Ihnen einen hohen Grad an Motivation, soziale Kompetenz und ausgeprägte Kommunikationsfähigkeiten auch in englischer Sprache. Ebenfalls erforderlich sind gute Programmierkenntnisse. Insbesondere Erfahrungen mit bioinformatischen Methoden sind ein Plus.


Master in Informatik/Bioinformatik oder vergleichbar
Erfahrung mit Unix/Linux Betriebssystem
Kenntnisse von C/C++ und einer Skriptsprache (z.B. perl)
Erfahrung mit Datenbankmanagement (z.B. MySQL)

Datenbankentwicklung, Management und Wartung
Entwicklung von Webservern und Benutzeroberflächen
Softwareentwicklung und -dokumentation
Die Vergütung erfolgt entsprechend Ihrer Qualifikation nach TVöD. Die Sozialleistungen entsprechen denen des öffentlichen Dienstes. Die Max-Planck-Gesellschaft ist bemüht, mehr schwerbehinderte Menschen zu beschäftigen. Bewerbungen Schwerbehinderter sind ausdrücklich erwünscht. Die Max-Planck-Gesellschaft will den Anteil von Frauen in den Bereichen erhöhen, in denen sie unterrepräsentiert sind. Frauen werden deshalb ausdrücklich aufgefordert sich zu bewerben. Dem Institut ist eine Kindertagesstätte angegliedert.

Bitte richten Sie Ihre schriftliche Bewerbung mit den üblichen Unterlagen unter Angabe der Kennziffer 070310 bis zum 16.05.2010 direkt per Email an Frau Weigold unter weigold@immunbio.mpg.de oder an das Max-Planck-Institut für Immunbiologie, Personalabteilung, Stübeweg 51, 79108 Freiburg.

Aushang: 31.03.2010 Abhang: 17.05.2010


Research Group: Dr. Thomas Manke

The International Max Planck Research School for Molecular and Cellular Biology invites applications for
PhD Studentship in Computational Biology

from outstanding and highly motivated students to join the Computational Biology group at the Max Planck Institute for Immunobiology. The Position is for an initial two-year appointment with the possibility of extension.

Our group utilizes high-throughput experimental data and computational methods to elucidate the regulatory programs that determine cellular development and the maintenance of cell identity. The focus will be on the development of computational models to improve the prediction of gene expression status.

During the course of this interdisciplinary project the PhD candidate will be exposed to a wide range of numerical techniques, statistical methods, and quantitative models. For the successful applicant this project also offers many exciting opportunities for close collaboration with experimental and computational researchers. You will be a member of the IMPRS graduate program and benefit from the intensive and structured education and mentoring practice. The working language is English.

The ideal candidate will have strong programming skills and a demonstrated ability to apply them to biological problems. Previous experience with the statistical analysis of genome-wide data would be particularly welcome. Biologists with proven analytical skills and the desire to move into a computational field are also encouraged to apply.

-Master degree in bioinformatics or a numerical science
-experience with Unix/Linux OS
-knowledge of scripting language (e. g. perl)
-excellent communication skills and fluency in English

The payment is commensurate with the guidelines for fellowships of the Max Planck Society. A childcare facility is directly attached to the MPI of Immunobiology. Handicapped applicants with equal qualifications will be given preferential treatment. The Max Planck Society seeks to increase the number of women in areas, where they are underrepresented, and therefore explicitly encourages women to apply.

Candidates should send their application indicating the reference number 080310 via e-mail to Ms. Weigold weigold@immunbio.mpg.de or by regular mail to the Personnel Department, Max-Planck-Institute of Immunobiology, Stübeweg 51, 79108 Freiburg.

Applications will be accepted until 16.05.2010.

Aushang: 31.03.2010 Abhang: 17.05.2010


Research Group: Dr. Tanja Ninkovic

The Max Planck Institute of Immunobiology in Freiburg is looking for a
Multilingual Administrative Assistant / Fremdsprachensekretär/in

for the International Max Planck Research School (IMPRS) coordinator Dr. Tanja Ninkovic on a part-time basis (50%). The position is initially limited until 31.12.2012 with the possibility of extension upon successful evaluation of the IMPRS program.

You should be educated as a multilingual assistant and be fluent in both written and spoken German and English language. You should have excellent organisational and multitasking skills as well as strong attention to detail and ability to work to tight deadlines. You are a team player who can perform diverse administrative tasks on your own following agreements and keep other team members always updated. Proficiency with computer programs (MS-Office, Graphic programs) is necessary.

We offer you a chance to work in a dynamic and interesting area of the PhD school in a close collaboration with the IMPRS coordinator and to significantly contribute to the success of the school. Your daily tasks will include taking care of the timely submission of documents, students' deadlines and tasks, office supplies, communication with internal and external group leaders and administration. You will also take care of the applicants' database and participate in the organisation of the interview days. General secretary duties for the institute will represent a part of your weekly work as well. A sense of design and aesthetics, strong sense of responsibility and international experience will be an advantage.

The Max Planck Institute is a public organisation and the payment will be organized according to the TVöD regulations. A childcare facility is directly attached to the MPI of Immunobiology. Handicapped applicants with equal qualifications will be given preferential treatment. The Max Planck Society seeks to increase the number of women in areas, where they are underrepresented, and therefore explicitly encourages women to apply. Please contact Dr. Tanja Ninkovic on 0761 5108 447 if you have further questions about the position.

Your application with the CV and cover letter in both English and German and the standard supplementary documents should be sent to Ms. Weigold weigold@immunbio.mpg.de using the reference number 090310 before 21th April 2010 or per post on Max Planck Institute of Immunobiology, Personalabteilung, Stübeweg 51, 79108 Freiburg.

Aushang: 31.03.2010 Abhang: 22.04.2010


Research Group: Dr. Tanja Ninkovic / IMPRS

International Max Planck PhD Program
IMPRS for Molecular and Cellular Biology
is looking for
graduates with strong motivation and talent for first class basic research in

Epigenetics, Immunobiology, Cell biology or Bioinformatics

You will:
• Work on exciting scientific projects addressing the hot topics of immunology, chromatin biology, epigenetics and cell biology
• Receive full funding for the whole time of the PhD (3-4 years)
• Rotate in 3 laboratories before you start your PhD project
• Enjoy the benefits of state-of-the-art scientific institute and first-class facilities
• Be part of a vibrant international research community - official language is English
• Benefit from intensive practical and theoretical education and complementary skills courses
IMPRS-MCB PhD program is organized by the Max-Planck Institute of Immunobiology and the University of Freiburg. Our scientists are publishing in the world leading journals and are leaders in scientific community. You will have a chance to regularly meet international speakers at the institute and at conferences.
You have MSc, MRes, Diploma or equivalent degree. BSc or equivalent degree will be considered in the case of exceptionally motivated and talented students who want to start their research career as soon as possible and have proven to belong to the top 5% of their class. The degree should be awarded latest 6 months after the application deadline. You have several months of practical lab experience working on the scientific project, excellent English language skills and wish to work in a dynamic international team.
More information about the program and how to apply you will find on our web page

Application deadline for autumn semester: 31th May 2010

Aushang: 01.04.2010 Abhang: 01.06.2010


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